Thursday, January 12, 2012

A Change of Plans


Well some of you might know that we had to change our plans for this week. We were supposed to fly to Dallas on Wednesday night for our appointments on Thursday. Well on Monday I started feeling kind of sick. By Tuesday evening I had a fever of 103, a horrible cough, snotty nose, plugged up ears, and a very sore throat. It was pretty obvious that I was not going to be well enough to work a full day on Wednesday and then fly, so we decided that we would cancel our appointments. I woke up Wednesday with a fever of 101 and felt like my head was going to explode. I called the clinic and cancelled our appointments. I was disappointed, but I felt so sick that I just didn't care. The thought of flying was not a pleasant one. Making the decision not to go turned out to be a very good idea. For those of you wondering, I woke up with a fever of 101 again today and made an appointment with my doctor. It turns out I probably have an upper respiratory infection and a sinus infection, maybe even bronchitis. I've been given all sorts of medications to take. Hopefully they'll work and I'll feel better by next Friday when we fly to Florida for our cruise.. At this point the cruise is the most important thing. I've been planning this for a year so I need to be better!

You all might be thinking, "Oh man, I'm so sorry, that really sucks you had to cancel." Well let me just tell you that me being sick was not the only thing that happened this week. Yesterday, while I was sitting in bed trying to rest, my phone buzzed. I picked it up and saw that I had an email from the donor agency. Instead of telling you what the email said, I'll let you all read it:

I wanted to talk to you in person but don't have your phone number with me at home.

I know you are supposed to go to the clinic this week.

The donor is not cooperating and has asked for more $$$

We don't allow any donor to negotiate compensation so she has decided to go with another agency that will compensate her $8000 in Chicago.

We tried to reason with her, etc. but to no avail.  This is horrible news and we are just devastated.  I felt it was best to just tell you exactly what happened and I told Tomisina at the clinic also.  I would have preferred to tell you in person via phone.

You know what I did after I read that email?? I laughed. Probably not the reaction you would expect, maybe it was the fever messing with my brain, but I laughed. I sat there and thought to myself that this email was kind of ironic. While lying in bed on Tuesday, burning up with a fever, I asked Ryan if he thought me being sick was a sign, that maybe we shouldn't be going. When that email came through I decided that it was a very good thing that we didn't go.

I did eventually cry a little, but not as much as you would expect. I think I'm still just too sick to worry about it. I do know that this means we have to start all over again and I just don't want to think about it. I'll take denial for another couple of weeks. I need this cruise more than anything now. I need to go have fun, relax, rest, and enjoy my family and friends.

I want you all to know that both Ryan and I are doing ok. In my last blog I talked about how great 2012 is going to be. Even though it hasn't had the kind of start I hoped it would, I still think it's going to be great. I believe God has a plan. This will all work out the way it is supposed to. We are just starting our journey.

Stay tuned



pamela Negri-Lenzen said...

The roller coaster is just outrageous. I too laughed in disbelief when I read the account of your former donors unscrupulous act. Just disgusting but... WOW on the way your body told you to stay home and take care of yourself! I hope you have a FABULOUS cruise. I hope you can stay in the moment and enjoy the sun, surf and each other. I hope you can keep laughing (and crying) when you need to :D

dena willmann said...

I love reading your blog and marvel at your strength.

Andy Sharp said...

Have a great time on the cruise you definitely deserve it:) Good things will happen!

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