Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm an author!

Hi everyone!
Yesterday we received the Fall RESOLVE newsletter in the mail. This is the same newsletter that contains the article I was asked to write about my Walk of Hope experience. It was so cool to open up that newsletter and see a whole page devoted to what I said. There are even two pictures of me! I feel proud at what I have accomplished in such a short period of time. But sometimes I also feel like all of this isn't real. Like I'm going to wake up and my life will be back to normal. What that looks like, I have no idea. And maybe I don't want normal. Normal sounds boring and my life is anything but boring. I'm happy. I really am. Are things going the way I thought they would? Absolutely not, but I am thankful for what I do have in my life. My wonderful husband (who's birthday was yesterday!!), my awesome parents and brother, and all of my very supportive family and friends. Without all of these people I would not have had the opportunity to write that article, because I would not have won that trip to Atlanta. So thanks everyone! Thanks for supporting us! We truly appreciate it.

Read my article here.

Here are some pictures from Atlanta:


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Tonya! I'm a fellow infertile and blogger and just saw your article in the Fall RESOLVE newsletter. So great! Have you heard of the Stirrup Queen's blog? If not, I would suggest going on there to participate in her monthly ICLW (international comment leaving week) so you can hook up with other bloggers and raise even MORE awareness, particularly with DOV. she has SO many other ways to connect with fellow bloggers, too, but that's a great place to start.

Looking forward to reading through your blog...a friend of mine also suffers from DOV and is currently in the middle of the Fertile Heart program by Julie Indichova to help naturally increase her FSH and hopefully get pregnant on her own (well, with hubby's help, that is). Much luck to you!

The Animas House

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